The Nobodies



Liam is a film lover, Letterboxd user and cake enthusiast. He recently came to terms with the fact that he is probably a film bro, but he understands that we all make mistakes. When he’s not eating cake he can be found avoiding doing meaningful tasks like learning how to drive. Liam recently moved back to Ireland after a stint in Japan. If Liam had accomplishments he would put them here so instead feel free to make some up for him.


Anna Mac

Anna Mac is an aspiring creative, emphasis on aspiring. Anna has recently moved to London to chase these dreams of having her name in lights one day, even the neon kind. Dabbling in music, journalism, content creation and fashion, Anna is also a mental health advocate, consistently speaking about her own experience with mental illness and bringing awareness to the mental health systems and experiences that have taken place in her own life.

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Casey is a BA Film and Screen Media graduate and soon-to-be MA Film and Screen Media graduate (fingers crossed) from Cork. In 2019, she became a UCC Lord Puttnam Scholar and represented Ireland at the EUFA jury delegations. For most of 2020, she spent her time snacking, trying to finish her thesis and trying not to question her life choices too much. Since September 2020, she has worked at the Cork International Film Festival. Her films have been shown at Cork International Film Festival, UCC Repeal Fest, IndieCork and Fastnet Film Festival. She likes to spend most of her time listening to K-pop, watching anime, reading too deeply into fandom theories, watching films (obviously) and scrolling through TikTok (unfortunately).

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Kelsie is a 27 year old jack of all trades but a master of none, having dabbled in nursing and completing a film degree, she's currently living in Beijing as an English teacher to toddlers. When not teaching flashcards, Kelsie spends her time trying to learn Chinese, exploring Beijing and trying (but failing) not to order takeaway every other night. While 2020 was a year spent mostly shut away in an apartment, 2021 will hopefully be a year that Kelsie truly makes China her home. She hopes to share her experiences along the way, if only to make sense of it all herself. Also she might help anyone else who's thinking of emigrating far away from home or simply thinking 'China? What the feck happens over there?'



Kay is someone learning how to be themselves. She moved to Glasgow a few years ago to study a masters degree in filmmaking and media arts, deciding to stay for the cheap rent and to figure out life. She loves embracing her grandma side and creates embroidery pieces of all shapes and sizes. Kay enjoys horror films (even though she is a wimp), history (ask her about Greek mythology) and trying to take a good photo (don't ask to see any).


Amy Louise

Amy Louise is an illustrator and sometimes animator from Cork. She spent a chunk of 2020 living in Japan, narrowly avoiding Ireland's first lockdown in favour of eating 7/11 noodles and speaking bad Japanese. Now back in Ireland, she balances her time between illustration, improving her bad Japanese and playing a lot of video games, but never actually finishing them. Her illustrations have been featured on, and, and she has written for Screen Queens and RADICL (formerly Radsound).

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Dylan is a given name, meaning "son of the sea", "son of the wave", or "born from the ocean". This particular Dylan is from Cork and lives on land. He is mainly interested in the part of the Venn diagram where sport, culture, and politics overlap. He hopes to be paid to write about these things in the future, especially because he enjoys doing it for free now.