Síofra Design


Words and Artwork by Siofra Design

About Siofra

I’m a freelance digital illustrator with a degree in design. I tend to work with themes such as feminism, self-love, and mental health in my work. I find that drawing and creating art often helps me work through any issues that I’m struggling with at the time. I love drawing women and mostly use pink in my work, as it’s a colour that always makes me feel happy.

Sense of Purpose

Sense of Purpose

This illustration is about my path in life. I know who and what I want to be; I can see it clearly in my head. I’m ready to slay my own demons, and become the person I know I’m meant to be. My struggles will make me stronger and more secure in my inner self. It’s going to be a hard journey, but it’s also going to be worth it.

Fuzzy Brain

Fuzzy Brain

I was pushed to confront the kind of person I thought I was, and the person I really am after someone I thought knew me well made some very hurtful comments, and I worked through it with this illustration. Having to take a good hard look at yourself and examine what makes you you is hard, but necessary. Sometimes people don’t know you as well as they think they do, and vice versa. I was looking deep into my mind and how it was affecting my relationships, and now I understand myself better.

Head full of Scribbles

Head full of Scribbles

After a time where everything seemed to be going wrong all at once, I found myself at a point where things were looking up. I was going to therapy, and it seemed like I was finally discovering who I was as a person. Of course the issues were and are still there, but I felt lighter and more capable of going through life than I had in a very long time. Things were looking up; I was dancing again, and proudly carrying my head full of scribbles with me.

For more from Siofra, follow her on Twitter or Instagram (she takes commissions!)

You can find her portfolio here.


Pseudo Society


Sounds From The Sunken Place