

Words by PaulDrawsArt

After growing up you always look back on the memories of moments when you were happiest, for me, some of those memories involved different pieces of media such as videogames or cartoons, thinking about these things always brings back that feeling of warmth, sitting in the back of a warm car on a cold winters night trying to use the light from streetlamps to see what I'm doing on my Gameboy, waking up early on a Saturday morning to watch cartoons, thats what I try to capture in my art.

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When trying to draw something I'll always ask myself whats the one thing that brings back those memories, and usually it's the colours, for example the Pokémon franchise always had bright popping colours whereas the Avatar: The Last Airbender franchise always used more earthy tones, so I'd make sure I include the colours that bring those vibes with them in my art. 

In a lot of my drawings I usually try to summarise what that franchise has to offer, whether that be including every character from it, or just giving gentle nods towards things. For example in my Super Mario piece, I looked back through all the games in the Super Mario series and although I didnt include every character, I made sure to include the staple ones who appear in a lot of them, while also making full use of their colours. 

Hi! I'm PaulDrawsArt, I'm a digital artist from Northern Ireland who draws everything on his phone by squiggling my fingers around the screen for a couple of hours, I love videogames and cartoons and I always try to represent the love I have for these things in my art. I can be found over on twitter (@PaulDrawsArt) and on instagram (@pauldrawsart)


Harry Potter and The Prisoner of Nostalgia


Epic Tales and Blatant Commercialism