Deltarune Review

Words by Casey Hynes

There will be brief spoilers for Deltarune Chapter 1 and 2. Read ahead at your own risk!

The long-anticipated Chapter 2 of Toby Fox’s Undertale follow-up, Deltarune, has recently been released across the many different gaming platforms as a free update, and it certainly doesn’t disappoint. Three years later, it’s not the full paid-for game release we expected, but then, surely at this stage we should know to expect the unexpected from Toby Fox. 

In Chapter 2, we find ourselves back in Hometown with Kris and Susie, following on from the slightly terrifying and mysterious cliffhanger which ended Chapter 1. Building on their newfound friendship with each other and with Darkner, Ralsei, the trio quickly find themselves in the midst of a new adventure (to Susie’s delight…), as the Dark World from the previous chapter has disappeared and a new one has emerged in the town library’s computer labs.

 As with Deltarune Chapter 1, Chapter 2 finds the balance between similarities and references to Fox’s last game, Undertale, as well as clear differences to it. The new battle format, which I personally prefer, continues with Kris, Susie and Ralsei (plus a few new companions teehee) engaging in turn-based party play that is visibly within the environment of the game, compared to Undertale’s turn-based single player battle box. Also, unlike Undertale, we are not the captain of Deltarune’s ship, and our choices this time (seemingly) count for nothing. However, the game will delight you again and again by allowing you to engage with Undertale’s beloved characters (including NPCs) in a new plot and format.

Fox’s typical humour is found throughout Chapter 2, and is every bit as funny as Chapter 1 and Undertale. The new villain and comic relief, Queen, is fantastic, offering us dated Internet humour in a surprisingly non-cringe fashion. This new chapter allows you to fall further in love with the characters - Lancer is a particular highlight as his ‘bouncy pumpkin’ self, and Susie continues to delight as an example of Bi Panic™ (when you play, you’ll know exactly what I mean).

The graphics are stunning as usual, and the gameplay throughout is filled with an amazing score that you’ll want to listen to again and again (all while allowing the game to do that thing where you notice no music is playing and instantly begin to panic).

As expected, this new chapter of Deltarune is complete and utter fun (with a little dash of terror here and there). However, if you were expecting any resolutions to the events of Chapter 1 in this new update, you’d be very wrong.

This game overall is a must-play. It’s also completely free, so there’s no excuse (unless you’ve not played Undertale, in which case play that first!).

Deltarune Chapter 2 is available on PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch, and PC.

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