A Stitch a Day

 Words by Kayleigh Dunne

Last year, in April at the peak of all the shenanigans, I took up embroidery full time as a craft. I have spoken about my love of embroidery previously, so this is not another love letter. 

If you know embroidery, you know that drawing is not a requirement, which is a godsend for those, like me, who cannot draw. . Most designs can be traced or printed on your fabric. Things tend to be planned excessively before you start stitching. Designs can take days to finish, it is rarely a quick craft.

With this in mind, I have decided to begin a challenge! I do not want 2021 to have the same monotonous feel that the majority of 2020 had, so I am going to add spontaneity into aspects I control! 

I’ve seen projects on Reddit and such of people completing a year in review in stitching and thought it was an excellent idea.  So for 2021 I plan to complete 12 different pieces of stitching representing each month, and those pieces shall be made up of tiny little stitching detailing my days! Like a diary but in embroidery! 

This gives me the chance to practice areas of embroidery I'm not used to, like tiny stitching and freehand designs.

FUN FACT: I cannot draw. 

February’s update.

February’s update.



Let us cast our minds back to a few months ago. March to be exact, and let's pretend my next installment of 'A Stitch A Day' is right on schedule!

March I can say was a great month! (It's my birthday month after all). But that wasn't the only great thing to happen in this incredible month!

I wrote an article for International Women’s Day in honour of the amazing women in my life and it was great to write a loving piece when I haven't seen them in almost a year! 

Our wonderful Casey graduated from her Master's with flying colours, after the year that was 2020, this is one the of greatest things I can think of!

I watched too much Marvel again, proving that I am officially back to be a fangirl! (I'm sorry) I also binged Lord of the Rings with my partner, and that had to be immortalised because it will be be happening again anytime soon!

I played far too many video games, mainly Spider-man and Breath of the Wild. I've challenged myself to 100% BOTW and its killing me….I'm at 54% right now. 

Overall March was positive. It's after this life got hectic and went somewhat back to normal resulting in me only updating this now! But look It's exciting looking back a couple of months again and I hope this let's you look back at your March too!

Until next time!


Feb update.jpg

Ah February. The perfect looking month in the midst of a shitty looking year. Sorry that’s morbid. 

Welcome to the second installment of A STITCH A DAY!

February was a month where so much happened yet if someone asked how was my February (because people ask that question…) I probably couldn’t answer. But I want to focus on the good because it’s easy to forget that sometimes.

Be Nothing Club officially launched!! It’s mad! The response has been great, the experience joyful and writing again has been amazing! 

Valentines came and went, complete with a bougie dinner my partner and I somehow managed to cook without burning the kitchen down, we then rewarded ourselves with a Harry Potter Marathon because why not. It was also my partner’s Birthday in February and it was great celebrating another birthday with him, albeit differing from last year!

Wandavision made me fall back in love with Marvel once again so I started the challenge of watching all Marvel films in timeline order (I’m furloughed...don’t judge me). 

Kelsie’s sink exploded…. Don’t know much on that topic, but it is forever immortalised in bad embroidery. 

Spring started. Glasgow got less cold and a bit more rainy but flowers and leaves started to bloom, which helps with the boredom. 

That’s the rundown of my February. It’s exciting isnt it? I’m loving this challenge so far because it is making me think back on my day. Remembering little moments, I wouldn't think on before, letting me take a break. I’m also improving my embroidery skills which is a bonus, and even between January and February I can see differences here or there.

I hope you’re enjoying this series as much as I am and stayed tuned for March soon, because that's shaping up to be a great month (I’m just gonna do a massive balloon because my birthday is in March and that’s all that matters).


Looking a small bit empty right now.

Looking a small bit empty right now.

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January was about as exciting as you expect. Meaning it was not. I did not stitch every single day. If I did, more than half would be stitching of my ratty blue couch, and no one wants that. But even with being stuck mostly indoors, noteworthy things did happen. 

I completed dry January for the first time, bought a bike trainer which allowed me to cycle indoors (Glasgow was very icy and snowy this January and drivers will always scare me). Finally I started working on creative writing for the Be Nothing Club with my friends! 

So while 2021 has not started off with bang, things have already been accomplished, and it has all been detailed into a 12 inch hoop. 

I hope you follow this journey with me, if not because you love embroidery as much as me, then just to see if my drawing skills improve.

FUN FACT: They probably won’t.


Let Them Kiss!
